Return Polymers Helps Ashland “Schine” - Return Polymers

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Return Polymers Helps Ashland “Schine”

April 05, 2022

The Ashland Schine’s Theatre, a historic landmark in the City of Ashland that opened back in 1942, had fallen into disrepair over the years and closed its doors back in 2009. But as Ashland entered a season of hope and restoration, community leaders and entrepreneurs saw how the theatre could play an integral role in the city’s renaissance. In 2015, the non-profit organization, The Ashland Schine’s Theatre, Inc., was formed and immediately purchased the dilapidated theatre. 

Over the last few years, the exterior of Schine’s Theatre has been renovated, but the uncertainty caused by the pandemic forced a temporary pause on the project. The campaign for the restoration of the theatre renewed its energies during the summer of 2021, launching a campaign to secure $3 million dollars to complete the interior renovations of the complex. The board of directors had a goal to secure $1 million in donations by December 31 in order to secure an additional $2 million funding match from an anonymous donor.

As the last days of 2021 drew to a close, Mayor Matt Miller reached out to Return Polymers President Dave Foell, asking for his help. The campaign was still short by $250,000, and all other avenues had been exhausted.

“I committed to define a plan to bridge the gap but needed the weekend,” Foell shared. Foell called Jesse Singh, the CEO of The AZEK Company. AZEK acquired Return Polymers back in January 2020. Foell laid out the circumstances and vision for the Schine’s Theatre renovation and place in the revitalization of downtown Ashland. He asked Singh if he would contribute $150,000 toward the remaining $250,000, and the Foell Family would personally fund the additional $100,000 to eliminate the shortfall. In exchange, the collection team would have the opportunity to name a theater, space, or cafe in the newly renovated facility.

Singh didn’t hesitate. “A leader of one of my teams is willing to put up his money to make a difference in an AZEK community, I’ll back that leader every time,” he told Foell. As a result, the AZEK Care Foundation committed $150,000 to the project.

This is the second time the Foell Family have funded community projects, with the first being the Return Polymers Little Kicker’s PlayHouse in 2019.

“I’m very proud of what Return Polymers has accomplished over the 15 years I’ve been involved in its growth. It is now the largest PVC recycler in North America. It’s only appropriate to return some of that good fortune to the city that made it possible,” said Foell.

Return Polymers eagerly awaits the opportunity to celebrate the reopening of Ashland Schine’s Theatre with the rest of the City of Ashland!

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